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Dining Menu

SEK Costa Rica International School – Costa Rica

We know that different factors play a role in good academic and physical performance, among the most important of them is a healthy and balanced diet. This is why every day we strive so that our students are well fed in the school dining hall. We prepare a good menu meticulously controlled by our Health Department and cooked with the highest sanitation practices and food safety standards. The menu is sent quarterly to parents so that they are informed on what their children eat at the School and can plan their dinners accordingly.

We make your children feel at home by offering several options. Every day, we surprise them with a varied menu consisting of two entrees, salad bar and two types of refreshments. As a special treat on the last day of the week, we make our dining room a “Food Court”. For those who like fast food. What better way to welcome the weekend than by enjoying hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, burritos, pizza and ice cream? We also provide special diets for those who need them: soft, low calorie and vegetarian. At lunch there is cold water, milk, bread and soft drinks. They are also given a snack during recess time.

Our dining room is subject to a rigorous food handling plan along with bacteriological studies and health inspections made to the kitchen staff, raw materials, cooked food and food prep surfaces. Testing is also made on the drinking water from the dining room and the water fountains on campus. These exams are carried out every month by an external laboratory hired by the School.

Without a doubt, parents can feel confident knowing that their children eat a morning snack, a complete lunch and enjoy time with their friends in a tranquil place designed to enjoy a healthy, varied and balanced diet.

Carolina Camacho
Chief of Facilities

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