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School SEK – Costa Rica

The SEK Costa Rica International School Library has a collection of more than 3,800 bibliographic samples, including both classical and contemporary literary works for students from all ages. Many historical, artistic and scientific documentaries are also in DVD format and can be accessed by the school community.


  • Home loan: The loan is extended for a week and can be renewed.
  • Students from first through twelfth grade can use this service.
  • Room with interactive video projector.
  • Group study room.
  • Online digital catalog search.
  • Black and white/color printer.
  • Photocopying.

Digital catalog
You can browse our Online Digital Catalog by author, title, summary or mixed (e.g. author and title, or author and subject). You fill in the search box and click “Search”. You can search the author by last name or by part of the name.

Stefanny Ortiz

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